Dr. Rezvan Moghadam

Dr. Rezvan Moghadam

Director for Leadership Education


She is a lecturer, researcher and activist of women’s rights with more than 40 years of experience in social changes. She has been an active member of the Iranian women’s rights movement and has set up various associations, groups and committees to empower women in peace, environment, health and gender issues such as violence against women.

Dr. Moghadam is one of the founding members of the “One Million Signatures” campaign in Iran, which aimed to collect one million signatures in support of changing discriminatory laws against women in the country. As a result of his social activities, he was repeatedly arrested by the Iranian security forces, harassed and banned from teaching or presenting his research. In 2007, just before International Women’s Day, he was accused of “acting against national security” and “collusion” in Iran. He was found guilty and sentenced to six months in prison and 10 lashes.

Dr. Moghadam continues her fight to end violence and discrimination against women abroad and has launched several campaigns, including the 2020 Stop Honor Killings campaign, which involved hundreds of women from inside and outside Iran. They have joined it and are active with the “Stop Honor Killing” campaign. Dr. Moghadam lives in Germany, Holland, Ireland and the United States of America. Currently, he resides in both Germany and the United States.