
A Young Woman’s Guide to LeadershipThe National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is a nonprofit,nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that has supported democratic institutionsand practices in every region of the world since 1983. Since its founding, NDI and its localpartners have worked to establish and strengthen political and civic organizations,safeguard elections, and promote citizen participation, openness...
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A Guide to Increasing Women’s Political ParticipationThe National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that responds to the aspirations of people around the world to live in democratic societies that recognize and promote basic human rights.Since its founding in 1983, NDI and its local partners have worked to establish and support democratic...
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National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)2008The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided funds for the firstedition of this handbook. It was prepared with the pro bono assistance of Michael O’Reilly, as wellas NDI staff members Aaron Azelton, Cathy Westley, and Ivan Doherty. Victoria Canavor composed the second edition of handbook in 2003.This...
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