ABuy tAhnojrasl:i EDlaeynaal O | r t i zO, cJotoshbuera 2A0ll1e8n , Robert U. Nagel, and Jessica M. Smith | March 2023IntroductionFrom democratic backsliding in Tunisia, Turkey, Ethiopia, Poland, and Hungary to the rise of far-rightcoalitions in Israel and Italy, threats to democracy and civil liberties are accelerating worldwide. Forthe past 16 years, democracy has...Read More
Malihe Maghazei[1]؛IntroductionSince the 1970s, the role of women as human capital in the process of development and leadership of society has gradually become one of the main concerns of gender studies. Also is one of the characteristics and indicators of the democratic system and is at the heart of the empowerment theory. This theory believes...Read More
A Guide to Increasing Women’s Political ParticipationThe National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that responds to the aspirations of people around the world to live in democratic societies that recognize and promote basic human rights.Since its founding in 1983, NDI and its local partners have worked to establish and support democratic...Read More
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