
Women’s leadership training course

In order to empower women with leadership training, the online training organization “Women’s Leadership” (WELL) will start its training courses on April 9, 2023. Those interested can...

Struggle for Equality From the Constitutional Revolution to Cyberfeminism with a Focus on the Role of New Media in the Women’s Movement in Iran

A DissertationSubmitted in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree ofDoctor of Philosophy (Dr. Phil.)to the Department of Political and Social Sciencesof Freie Universität Berlinby: Rezvan...

Voicing their presence: Postrevolution Iranian female vocalists in context

Malihe Maghazei ؛ Independent ScholarAbstractContemporary female musicians and vocalists in Iran represent achallenging and inspiring musical trend as a part of a dynamic andreflexive artistic and cultural...

Women’s Struggles in Iran: A Step Towards Creating Democracy and Women’s Leadership

 Malihe Maghazei[1]؛IntroductionSince the 1970s, the role of women as human capital in the process of development and leadership of society has gradually become one of the main...


Women’s status and rights in contemporary Iran, and thereby the trajectory of Iranian women’s activism and feminist movements, seem paradoxical and complicated.2 For instance, how could women...

Confidence, Capacity, Connections

A Young Woman’s Guide to LeadershipThe National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is a nonprofit,nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that has supported democratic institutionsand practices in every region...

Democracy and the Challenge of Change

A Guide to Increasing Women’s Political ParticipationThe National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that responds to the aspirations of people around the world...

Required Resources

The faculty of the Leadership Coaching Program consider the following books and articles to be foundational in the development of leadership coaches. They provide an understanding of...

Young Adult Leadership Curriculum

Contents:LeadershipCommunication/Leading a MeetingAdvocacyPublic PolicySharing your StoryLeaders acquire followers who accept their influence, guidance and direction by helping tosatisfy the needs of those followers. Some examples of these...

Leading Change
Leadership, Organization, and Social Movements

BYMarshall GanzEXCERPTED FROMHandbook of Leadership Theory and Practice:A Harvard Business School Centennial Colloquium Edited byNitin Nohria and Rakesh KhuranaBuy the book:Amazon Barnes & NobleHBR.orgThe PDF of the...

A Guide to Political Party Development

National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)2008The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided funds for the firstedition of this handbook. It was prepared with the...


This manual was prepared by the National Democratic Institute (NDI or the Institute) with fundingfrom the National Endowment for Democracy. NDI would like to acknowledge the key...

Leading Change

Leadership Definition-“Leadership is accepting the responsibility to create conditionsthat enable others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty” (Ganz, 2008)History of Leaders:The article starts off...

Dynamic Leaders for Just, Prosperous, and Inclusive Societies

Leadership at every level of society is essential to creating just, prosperous, and inclusive societies. Without people who are capable and willing to step up and act,...

Global Gender Gap Report 2020

Terms of Useand DisclaimerThe analysis presented in the Global Gender Gap Report 2020 (herein: “Report”) is based on a methodology integrating the latest statistics from international organizations...

Men, Power and Politics

ABOUT THE NATIONAL DEMOCRATIC INSTITUTEThe National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI or the Institute) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that responds to the aspirations of...

Online Collaboration Guide for Facilitators

What is this document’s purpose?Online collaboration1 is an essential skill for working and learning in our connected world. This guide serves as a resource to make online...


Open Society Foundation Youth Exchange Organizing Workshop Participant Guide December 12-14, 2016M A R R A K E S H ,  M O R O C C...

Women’s responsibility for suggesting new laws for future Iran

For the last few months several groups inside and outside of Iran began to discuss the future Iran after the political system of the Islamic republic has...

A Glimpse at “honor” killings, Result of 1220 Cases over 20 Years

A research by Rezvan Moghaddam Honor killing is the killing of a family member (usually a woman) because the perpetrators believe that the victim is a so-called...
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