Editor’s Introduction
We will never understand the psychology of either women
or men as long as we fail to acknowledge that a state of
war has existed between the sexes for approximately six thousand years. This war is a guerrilla war. Six thousand years ago
the patriarchy triumphed over women, and society became organized on the basis of male domination. Women became the
property of men and were obliged to be grateful to them for
every concession. But there cannot be domination of one social
class, nation, or sex over the other that does not lead to subliminal rebelliousness, rage, hatred, and desire for revenge in
those who are oppressed and exploited, and to fear and insecurity in those who do the oppressing and exploiting.” This
statement was made by Erich Fromm in an interview appearing in the February 16, 1975, issue of the Italian magazine L’Espresso. It sums up his basic thinking concerning the problematic relations between men and women. It is not the difference between them that inevitably leads to difficulties for
both sexes but the use that is made of this difference.