This manual was prepared by the National Democratic Institute (NDI or the Institute) with funding
from the National Endowment for Democracy. NDI would like to acknowledge the key contributions by
Kourtney Pompi for drafting the toolkit. Sarah Beckerman, NDI’s Advisor on the Middle East and North
Africa team, managed and coordinated the development of this toolkit. Caroline Hubbard, NDI’s Senior
Gender Advisor and Deputy Director for Gender, Women and Democracy (GWD) and Jossif Ezekilov, NDI’s
GWD Program Officer, contributed their expertise and knowledge to help integrate the masculinities
elements into the toolkit. Rachel Mims, NDI’s Senior Program Officer and Youth Specialist on the Citizen
Participation and Inclusion team provided expert guidance and input to ensure the inclusive nature
and tone of the toolkit. NDI’s staff in both its headquarters in DC, as well as in Lebanon, were essential
to the development of the curriculum. Special recognition goes to: Maya Fawaz, Sarah Giordano, Kyle
Herman, and Maya Saffieddine.
The Institute would also like to acknowledge the contributions of ABAAD in Lebanon for supporting
it in adapting NDI’s Men, Political and Power1 masculinities program to the local context, facilitating
workshops, and providing feedback for the refinement of the toolkit.

The PDF of the article is available below:

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