Malihe Maghazei[1]؛IntroductionSince the 1970s, the role of women as human capital in the process of development and leadership of society has gradually become one of the main concerns of gender studies. Also is one of the characteristics and indicators of the democratic system and is at the heart of the empowerment theory. This theory believes...Read More
Women’s status and rights in contemporary Iran, and thereby the trajectory of Iranian women’s activism and feminist movements, seem paradoxical and complicated.2 For instance, how could women under a conservative Islamist clerical state, which has pursued sex segregation and many extreme forms of legal and practical discrimination against women, show impressive educational attainment, even surpassing...Read More
A Young Woman’s Guide to LeadershipThe National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI) is a nonprofit,nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that has supported democratic institutionsand practices in every region of the world since 1983. Since its founding, NDI and its localpartners have worked to establish and strengthen political and civic organizations,safeguard elections, and promote citizen participation, openness...Read More
A Guide to Increasing Women’s Political ParticipationThe National Democratic Institute (NDI) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan, nongovernmental organization that responds to the aspirations of people around the world to live in democratic societies that recognize and promote basic human rights.Since its founding in 1983, NDI and its local partners have worked to establish and support democratic...Read More
The faculty of the Leadership Coaching Program consider the following books and articles to be foundational in the development of leadership coaches. They provide an understanding of the language, distinctions and methodology we feel is important in the field of Leadership Coaching.Please purchase the following books and articles, which will be used throughout the program....Read More
Contents:LeadershipCommunication/Leading a MeetingAdvocacyPublic PolicySharing your StoryLeaders acquire followers who accept their influence, guidance and direction by helping tosatisfy the needs of those followers. Some examples of these needs are:To survive, every person is engaged in a continuous struggle to satisfy needsand relieve tension.Some means are required to satisfy a need – knowledge, tools, money, food,physical...Read More
BYMarshall GanzEXCERPTED FROMHandbook of Leadership Theory and Practice:A Harvard Business School Centennial Colloquium Edited byNitin Nohria and Rakesh KhuranaBuy the book:Amazon Barnes & NobleHBR.orgThe PDF of the article is available below:Chapter-19-Leading-Change-Leadership-Organization-and-Social-MovementsDownloadRead More
National Democratic Institute for International Affairs (NDI)2008The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) provided funds for the firstedition of this handbook. It was prepared with the pro bono assistance of Michael O’Reilly, as wellas NDI staff members Aaron Azelton, Cathy Westley, and Ivan Doherty. Victoria Canavor composed the second edition of handbook in 2003.This...Read More
This manual was prepared by the National Democratic Institute (NDI or the Institute) with fundingfrom the National Endowment for Democracy. NDI would like to acknowledge the key contributions byKourtney Pompi for drafting the toolkit. Sarah Beckerman, NDI’s Advisor on the Middle East and NorthAfrica team, managed and coordinated the development of this toolkit. Caroline Hubbard,...Read More
Leadership Definition-“Leadership is accepting the responsibility to create conditionsthat enable others to achieve shared purpose in the face of uncertainty” (Ganz, 2008)History of Leaders:The article starts off with information about the bible and how Moses struggles tolink a desire for change (fleeing his people) with a capacity to make change (as anEgyptian prince) (Ganz, 2008)....Read More
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